Obsidian Cheatsheet

Obsidian cheatsheet

Callouts, Alerts

[!info] > Here's a callout block. > It supports Markdown, Wikilinks, and embeds!

[!tip] Callouts can have custom titles
Like this one.

[!tip] Title-only callout

Foldable callouts

You can make a callout foldable by adding a plus (+) or a minus (-) directly after the type identifier.

A plus sign expands the callout by default, and a minus sign collapses it instead.

[!faq]- Are callouts foldable?
Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden when the callout is collapsed.

Nested callouts

You can nest callouts in multiple levels.

[!question] Can callouts be nested?

[!todo] Yes!, they can.

[!example] You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

Supported types

You can use several callout types and aliases. Each type comes with a different background color and icon.

Unless you Customize callouts, any unsupported type defaults to the note type. The type identifier is case-insensitive.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: summarytldr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: hintimportant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: checkdone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: helpfaq

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: cautionattention

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Aliases: failmissing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Alias: error

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Alias: cite

Embedding web pages

To embed a web page, add the following in your note and replace the placeholder text with the URL of the web page you want to embed:

<iframe src="INSERT YOUR URL HERE"></iframe>

Embed a YouTube video

To embed a YouTube video, use the same Markdown syntax as external images:


Embed a tweet

To embed a tweet, use the same Markdown syntax as external images:



First nameLast name
You can align text to the left, right, or center of a column by adding colons (:) to the header row.
Left-aligned text | Center-aligned text | Right-aligned text
:-- | :--: | --:
Content | Content | Content


Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you? 
Alice->>+John: John, can you hear me? 
John-->>-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you! 
John-->>-Alice: I feel great! 
graph TD

Biology --> Chemistry

Linking files in a diagram

You can create internal links in your diagrams by attaching the internal-link class to your nodes.

graph TD

Biology --> Chemistry

class Biology,Chemistry internal-link;

If you have many nodes in your diagrams, you can use the following snippet.

graph TD


A --> B

class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z internal-link;

If you use special characters in your note names, you need to put the note name in double quotes.

class "⨳ special character" internal-link

Or, A["⨳ special character"].


You can add math expressions to your notes using MathJax and the LaTeX notation.

To add a MathJax expression to your note, surround it with double dollar signs ($$).

$$ \begin{vmatrix}a & b\ c & d \end{vmatrix}=ad-bc $$

You can also inline math expressions by wrapping it in $ symbols.

This is an inline math expression $e^{2i\pi} = 1$.

Horizontal rule

You can use three or more stars ***, hyphens ---, or underscore ___ on its own line to add a horizontal bar. You can also separate symbols using spaces.

* * *
- - -
_ _ _


You can add footnotes^[https://publish.obsidian.md/#fn-1-36d3dd693657ee7e] to your notes using the following syntax:

This is a simple https://publish.obsidian.md/#fn-1-36d3dd693657ee7efootnote[^1].

[^1]: This is the referenced text.
[^2]: Add 2 spaces at the start of each new line.
  This lets you write footnotes that span multiple lines.
[^note]: Named footnotes still appear as numbers, but can make it easier to identify and link references.

You can also inline footnotes in a sentence. Note that the caret goes outside the brackets.

You can also use inline footnotes. ^[This is an inline footnote.]

You can also use inline footnotes. ^[This is an inline footnote.]


You can add comments by wrapping text with %%. Comments are only visible in Editing view.

This is an %%inline%% comment.

This is a block comment.

Block comments can span multiple lines.


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